Challenges and sucesses of
youth policy in practice 

under the patronage of Mgr. Ondřej Liška

Within the framework of the international project „Sailors on the CitizenShip“ – Fair XXL
V-Klub, LIBEREC, Czech Republic, 13.5. 2010

Participants of the meeting, who represent educational organisations working with youth from 20 european countries, will have a possibility to meet with Czech policy makers and local persons that are in involved in decision making processes that are connected to the issues of youth.

Our main goals are:

introduce each other youth policy of own country

create a space for sharing experience with challenges which are around current youth  in different countries and good examples how to deal with

introduce each other good practices with youth citizenship education and participating on active life work

The discussion is going to be provided in interactive method known as The World cafe. This method is based on sharing and nature. It evokes enviroment usually used for conversations, coffee house. Can be make with 12 or 1500 people. More about The World Cafe on


Preliminary programme:


15:00 Speech of Mgr.Ondřej Liška - Patron of the day

15:20 Introduction to the system of discussion and meeting moderation - Katarzyna Szajda (UNESCO Initiative Centre Wroclaw)

15:30 Discussion in the form of an interactive method The World Cafe

16:45 Reflection on the most important observations

17:15 Cloasure of the meeting


Place to meet: V-Klub Liberec  (

Working language is english. There on the place is going to be ready 10 translators from volunteer crew of Technical university of Liberec.


More about project on